Yes, Jesus was a Jew

In case it needs to be said, Jesus was of course Jewish. Yet a small group called "British Israelites" some centuries ago began claiming that the British were the "twelve lost tribes of Israel". When this belief was brought to the U.S. in the 1920s the new adherents ran into the problem that not all Americans come from Britain. They decided that all Europeans were the twelve lost tribes of Israel, which had spread across the continent. They called themselves Christian Identity, CI. Most of those they approached considered this absurd, so the CI fall-back position was the claim that Jesus, at least, was White, not Jewish. Knowing that few nationalists would want to spend time and energy pointing out that Jesus is a Jew. (Though one could instead argue that the son of God, who is also the god of the entire universe, cannot be of any particular race.) I will here present notes about history and the Bible to put this matter to rest. All churches for two thousand years h...